Monday, December 3, 2007

Moved... almost

My friend came through for me with a car last Saturday, so I'm mostly moved into the new place now. There's no hot water there yet so I'm sticking around in Ikuta until there is, because hot showers are pretty much a necessity in winter.
Once I move in there, I really want to get a bicycle. It's a little far from the station - not a terrible walk, but when I'm in a hurry to catch the train to get to work on time, I can see a bike coming in very handy. Plus it'll be good exercise. I need one with a little basket on it to put my grocery bag or shopping bags or purse into when biking back from the station!
Sadly, it doesn't appear that the grocery store at Komae station is 24-hr like the one here in Ikuta is. At least there is a coffee shop in Komae though.


tom and sandy said...

Sarah, Glad to hear that you've got a new place and are moving in!! When you have a chance will you post a picture or two? We think of you often and admire how calmly and maturely you are handling all the changes with Nova and your job and apt.!! Very proud of you!!

Anonymous said...

Yo! Wish I could send you a bicycle for xmas, but unfortunately I can't...Glad you got anew place. Send an address. Gram

Joe and Karen said...

Yay for hot water. Look forward to your next post.